Core Value: Community

As much as we love spending time with our students, we have always recognized that their desired post-high school outcomes are rightfully located outside our walls. We want our students to have rich lives that include physically and intellectually engaging leisure activities, meaningful work, and opportunities to develop fulfilling relationships. So we...

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Core Value: Perseverance

There has been a lot of talk in education circles recently about “grit.” Apparently, the education world has now identified grit is one of a number of “noncognitive factors” that students need to succeed in the classroom. They are catching on to what we at TGS have always known: education...

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Word of the Week: Accomplishment

Last week we finished the first quarter of the 2015-2016 school year.  Wrapping up Q1 always feels like an accomplishment, because it marks the end of the settling in period: students know the routines, coming to school is now the norm, learning is solidly underway. Academic conferences this week will provide...

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Word of the Week: Support Staff

As we meet with prospective families and members of the larger community, we often are asked about our support staff. Who are they? What do they do? How will they help my student? Why do we have so many of them? In many school settings, “support staff” refers to the people...

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Core Value: Adaptability, Part Two

This week a large group of TGS staff attended the JFK Partners 3rd Annual Autism Spectrum Disorders Conference. The topic was Executive Function, and we were quite pleased to note that flexibility (aka adaptability) was one of the executive function skills to be discussed. As we discussed accommodations to support students...

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