TGS’ Core Socio-Academic Program is designed for neurodiverse students who meet the following social, academic, and behavioral criteria:


  • Desire to join, support, and participate in the Temple Grandin School community
  • Wish to improve themselves, in both their strengths and challenges
  • Benefit from a secondary program that puts equal emphasis on social and academic development



  • Average to above-average intelligence, as measured by a standardized cognitive assessment
  • Academic performance at or above grade level, as measured by a standardized academic assessment*
  • Demonstrated intellectual curiosity and/or engagement with learning academic content

*Students with limited academic performance deficits who otherwise meet these criteria may be considered for admission if additional academic support can be provided. Provision of academic support, if needed, will be outlined in a student’s initial socio-academic plan, and may be delivered through a combination of in-class differentiation, student support team services, and community-based providers (tutors/educational therapists, etc.). Community-based providers will bill families separately, and their fees are not included in TGS’ tuition.



  • Consistent ability to interact positively with peers and adults in the school and community setting
  • Responsive to verbal redirection from teachers and support staff
  • Consistent ability to function independently in a small group classroom setting


In order to maintain our program effectiveness and meet the needs of our current students, Temple Grandin School cannot accept students who:

  • Do not meet the specified academic criteria, even if academic support were provided
  • Need intensive & consistent 1:1 attention to progress in an academic program
  • Have a significant and/or recent history of physical or verbal aggression towards others
  • Are currently using drugs or alcohol

Final admissions decisions are at the discretion of TGS staff, and will consider the individual student’s needs as well as the needs of other members of the TGS community. For the good of all our students and families, we will only accept students we feel we can serve well.