How TGS Helps Neurodiverse Students Identify Their Next Steps in Life – Temple Grandin School
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How TGS Helps Neurodiverse Students Identify Their Next Steps in Life

When parents inquire about Temple Grandin School, many have the same question in mind: “Will my student ever be independent?” At TGS, we place a high value on enhancing our students’ life skills and preparing them for whatever comes after graduation.

Mary Kay Braccio, PhD, NCSP directs our Transitions Program. From the moment our students start at TGS, Mary Kay has their futures in mind. She keeps track of their transcripts, ensuring that they will fulfill all of their high school graduation requirements. She also provides experiences to expose students to post-TGS education and workplace environments. In the photo above, you can see Mary Kay (white jacket) with our students sitting on the stairs of Colorado State University’s Animal Sciences building where our namesake, Temple Grandin, teaches!

As students move through their high school years, Mary Kay collaborates with them and their parents to cast a vision for their future. To help students explore their interests and abilities, we require them to complete an internship in a potential career field. Many students take advantage of our partnership with the School to Work Alliance Program, an organization that helps students transition from education to employment.

TGS students must also complete a college course while in attendance here. TGS staff provide direction as students attend their college classes and complete all of the related tasks, such as interacting with the registration office, purchasing books, and seeking out a professor during office hours. Mary Kay has even accompanied students on bus rides to help them become comfortable with the transportation systems they need to get to their college campus.

This school year we’re supporting our largest graduating class to date! We anticipate that seven seniors will complete their requirements and move into the next chapter of their lives. As they do, Mary Kay and the TGS staff will give these students support now and beyond graduation as they join our growing community of alumni. Ninety-three percent of our graduates have gone on to post-secondary graduation, trade school, or directly to a job. Some of them have followed traditional paths, and others have taken their own unique journeys. Each one has found their way to their next destination, and we look forward to hearing how they continue to grow!

Would you like this kind of guidance for your neurodiverse teen or tween? Contact us, and let’s talk about how TGS can prepare your student for launching into adulthood.

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