All proceeds from Meeting of the Minds benefit the Temple Grandin School, a non-profit educational program providing a supportive, socially engaging educational community where neurodiverse students recognize and realize their potential.
Your sponsorship of Meeting of the Minds is tax-deductible, and will help Temple Grandin School expand their facility and program so they can cultivate even more amazing minds.
Contact Jeanine Kennedy or Jen Wilger at 303.554.7363 or info@2015.templegrandinschool.org with questions or to learn more.
Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
- Individual, family or company name & logo in event program (prominent size)
- Individual, family or company name & logo on event website
- Inclusion in press release
- Promoted on TGS social media
- Individual, family or company name & logo included on TGS pre-event promotions (prominent size)
- Company print materials distributed at event
- Four (4) VIP event registrations (value $250 each)
- Event program recognition, full page color ad*
- Access to VIP reception with speakers
- Premier seating at event
- Live recognition of support at event
- Ability to display your own 15-30 second video spot – played during cocktail hour
- Ability to display your own free-standing sign or pull-up banner in the cocktail area
- Individual, family or company name in event program (medium size)
- Individual, family or company name & logo on event website
- Promoted on TGS social media
- Individual, family or company name & logo included on TGS pre-event promotions (medium size)
- Company print materials distributed at event
- Four (4) event registrations (value $100 each)
- Event program recognition, ½ page color ad*
- Live recognition of support at event
- Individual, family or company name in event program
- Individual, family or company name & logo on event website
- Promoted on TGS social media
- Two (2) event registrations (value $100 each)
*Provide your own ad or we can create an ad for you for an additional fee. Finished full page ad size is 5.5”(w) x 8.5” (h), 5.75”x8.75” with bleeds. Half page ad is 5.5”(w) x 4.25” (h), 5.75”x4.375” with left, right and bottom bleed only (no top bleed).
- Primary contact name, phone and email
- Day-of-event contact name, cell phone and email
- Company logo – High resolution, EPS or 300 DPI JPG or PNG format
- Company press release information
- Commitment – Sent to info@2015.templegrandinschool.org